Episode 1: EM Careers of The Future

Author: Eoghan Colgan    @eoghan_colgan
Special Guest: Randal McRoberts   @freeheeldoc



Guest Bio

Randal McRoberts Photo

Randal McRoberts

@freeheeldoc @pacelinemedical

Randal is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh and a Consultant in Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine with EMRS ScotSTAR, Glasgow. He is also the Director of Paceline Medical, a company which specialises in the preparation of Doctors training towards success the FRCEM Primary exam.
Randal lives life to the full. He is at his happiest when those he cares for are happy, when the snow under his telemark skis is deep powder and when the ground under his mountain bike is steep and dry. He fully believes that Freddie Mercury was the greatest performer ever to grace a stage and that above all, Preparation Propels Success.

One of our St Mungo's colleagues described Randal as 'The Alien Ambassador'- In the event of first contact with extra terrestrials, he's the type of person you'd put out front as an example of a decent and good human being - and hope that was enough to convince them not to zap us all!

Show Notes

A huge thank you to our first ever podcast guest Randal McRoberts!  Randal & Eoghan chat about sustaining a life-long career in EM, creating work-life balance, how to support doctors at various stages of their career, and the future of EM!

Enjoy!  Please feel free to tweet us your comments!


Take Home Messages

  • We are lucky to be able to look after people when they are most in need.

  • We need to make active plans to make our career sustainable for the future.

  • Make your life outside of work your priority, not your job.

  • Perhaps look at ways to reduce shop floor work- such as education, research, specialist training or part time work, to enable you to sustain the pace long term.

  • and finally......Look after each other!



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