Episode 51: Humanitarian Medicine Part 3
Author: Eoghan Colgan @eoghan_colgan
Special Guest: Dr Erin Kilborn
Guest Bios
Erin Kilborn is an Emergency Medicine doctor in the NHS in Scotland, where she grew up and did most of her training. Over the years, she has combined her NHS jobs with overseas work; a mixture of expedition medicine and humanitarian missions, primarily with MSF. This work has brought her to extremely challenging and incredibly varied places, from the jungles of Borneo and the Peruvian Amazon, to a burn unit in Haiti, a trauma hospital in Central African Republic, an ED in the Kurdish territory in Syria and lately, managing the medical team looking after burns and trauma patients in Gaza.
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-kilborn-a2630530/
Show Notes
Dr Erin Kilborn is an Emergency Medicine trainee who has worked around the world on a variety of medical missions. The aim of the podcast is to learn about Erin, her motivations, her experiences, and her tips and suggestions for those interested in Humanitarian Medicine. Prepare to be inspired!
Due to the impact of covid-19, our podcasts are a little slimmed down.
If you have an interest in Humanitarian Medicine, the following resources should be helpful.
Further Education:
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/
Liverpool School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine https://www.lstmed.ac.uk/
Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Glasgow University https://www.gla.ac.uk/researchinstitutes/iii/wcip/postgraduatecoursesandtraining/dtmh/
Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp https://www.itg.be/
Course in Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine, The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries (London) https://www.apothecaries.org/course-in-conflict-catastrophe-medicine/
Diploma and MSC in Extreme Medicine, Exeter University & World Extreme Medicine Society https://www.extrememedicineexpo.com/international-msc-extreme-medicine/
Surgical Training for Austere Environments https://davidnottfoundation.com/uk-course-stae/
Expedition, Wilderness and Humanitarian medicine courses https://worldextrememedicine.com/products/all-courses/
World Extreme Medicine Conference https://www.extrememedicineexpo.com/
Project Trust – Gap year organization; for 17-25 year olds, good to get overseas experience working in low-middle income countries https://projecttrust.org.uk/?gclid=CjwKCAjwwYP2BRBGEiwAkoBpAi3V_2YE5qy7N9SvjO6irjrzf_QrsDCVOLOVyO85c9fcL2qt2DdTPhoC4kUQAvD_BwE
Raleigh International (expedition charity; good to get a foot in the door if you have no experience in working overseas) https://raleighinternational.org/gap-year-volunteering/
MSF (Medecins sans Frontieres; Doctors without Borders) https://www.msf.org.uk/
MDM (Medecins du Monde; Doctors of the World) https://www.doctorsoftheworld.org.uk/
UKMED https://www.uk-med.org/